Real name: Christopher Michael Benoit

Date of Birth: 1967-05-21

Date of Death: 2007-06-25
Music: Whatever (WWE)
Previous Gimmicks: Pegasus Kid (NJPW/WWE) & White Pegasus (NJPW).

Birthplace: Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Resides: Fayetteville, Georgia.

Height: 1,78m. Weight: 103kg.

Married: Nancy Daus-Benoit (WCW Women)

Title Holds: World Heavyweight Champion

WCW Heavyweight champion

WWE Intercontinental champion 4 times

WWE United States champion 3 times

WCW US Heavyweight champion

WCW Television champion 3 times

World Tag-Team Champion 3 times: 1x Chris Jericho & 2x Edge

WWE Tag-Team champion with Kurt Angle

WCW Tag-Team champion 3 times: 2x Saturn & 1x Dean Malenko

ECW Tag-Team champion with Dean Malenko

Favorite quote: “Prove me wrong!” & “I’m for real!”

Finishing move: Crippler Cross-Face**/Swan Dive Head butt*/Sharpshooter**.