Real Name: Eduardo Gori Guerrero Llanes

Date of Birth: 1967-10-09

Date of Death: 2005-11-13 (Massive Heartattack) (38 years old)

Music: La Raza (WCW), Latino Heat (WWE) & I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal (WWE)

Previous gimmicks: Black Tiger (NJPW) & El Caliente (WCW)

Birthplace: El Paso, Texas.

Died: Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Height: 1,75m.

Weight: 104kg.

Title Holds: WWE Heavyweight champion

WWE United States champion)

WWE Intercontinental champion 2 times

WWE European champion 2 times

WCW Cruiserweight champion 2 times

ECW Television champion 2 times

WCW United States champion

WWE Tag-Team champion 3 times: 2x Chavo Guerrero & 1x Tajiri)

Finishing move: Frogsplash*/Lasso from El Paso**/Three Amigos*.