Real Name: Paul Michael Levesque

Nicknames: The Game & The Cerebral Assassin.

Profiles: Hunter Hearst Helmsley (WWE), Jean-Paul Levesque (WCW) & Terra Ryzing (WCW)
Date of Birth: 1969-07-27
Music: The Game, My Time & Break It Down

Married: Stephanie McMahon (1 daughter - Aurora Rose Levesque)

Birthplace: Nashua, New Hampshire

Resides: New York City, New York

Height: 1,90m.

Weight: 110kg.

Title Holds: WWE Heavyweight champion 8 times

WORLD Heavyweight champion 7 times

WWE Intercontinental champion 5 times

WWE European champion 2 times

WWE Tag-Team champion with Stone Cold Steve Austin

WWE King of The Ring 1997

WWE Royal Rumble 2002

Finishing move: Pedigree*/180 Spinebuster*/High Knee*.
Favorite Quote: "I am the Game and I am that damn good."