Birthname: Glen Thomas Jacobs

Nicknames: The Big Red Monster & The Big Red Machine

Previous profiles: Fake Diesel (WWE), Isaac Yankeem (WWE), Mike Unabomb (WWE),

Unabomb (SMW), Glen Jacobs (USWA), Christmas Creature (USWA & Doomsday (USWA)

Date of Birth: 1967-04-26
Music: Slow Chemical, Out Of the Fire & Burned

Birthplace: Madrid, Spain

Resides: Knoxville, Tennessee

Height: 2,13m.

Weight: 146kg.

Married: Tia Jacobs (1995 with two children)

Title Holds: WWE champion
ECW champion

WWE Intercontinental champion 2 times

WWE Hardcore champion

WWE Tag-Team champion 9 times: 1x Hurricane, 2x The Undertaker, 2x Mankind,

2x X–Pac, 1x Rob Van Dam & 1x The Big Show

WCW Tag-Team champion with Undertaker

Favorite quote: “I am a MONSTER!”

Finishing move: Chokeslam From Hell*/Tombstone Piledriver*.