19 October 2003 in Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, Maryland (8,500)

(Music: Today is the day by Dope)


Rey Mysterio – CW Tajiri = L-W (Roll-up)

Chris Benoit – A-Train = W-L (Sharpshooter)

Zach Gowen – Matt Hardy V.1 = W-L (Split Legged Moonsault)

The A.P.A. – The Basham Brothers = L-W (Kick on the head of Bradshaw)

Stephanie McMahon – Vince McMahon = L-W No Holds Barred I Quit-match.

Kurt Angle – John Cena = W-L (Ankle Lock)

US Edie Guerrero – The Big Show = L-W (Showstopper) NEW US CHAMP.

The Undertaker – WWE Brock Lesnar = L-W Biker Chains-match.


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