30 August 1993 in The Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan. (19,000)
(Music: The Heat Returns by James Johnston)


Razor Raman - "The Million Dollar Man"Ted DiBiase = W-L (Razor's Edge)

WWE The Steiner Brothers - The Heavenly Bodies = W-L (Frankensteiner)

Mr. Perfect - IC "The Heartbreak Kid"Shawn Michaels = L-W CO.

The 1-2-3 Kid - Irwin R. Schyster = L-W (Write-off)

Bret"Hitman"Hart - Doink"The Clown" = W-L DQ.

Bret"Hitman"Hart - Jerry"The King"Lawler = L-W DQ. King of the Ring-match

Marty Jannetty - Ludvig Borga = L-W (Human Torture Rack)

Undertaker - Giant Gonzalez = W-L (Flying Clothesline) Rest in peace-match.

Tatanka/The Smoking Gunns - Bam Bam Bigelow/The Headshrinkers = W-L

Lex Luger - WWE Yokozuna = W-L CO.


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