14 November 2004 in Gund Arena, Cleveland, Ohio (7,500)

 (Music: Ugly by The Exies)


CW Spike Dudley – Rey Mysterio – Chavo Guerrero – Billy Kidman = Spike won.

(After Billy Kidman hit Top Rope Leg Drop on Chavo Guerrero)

IC Shelton Benjamin – Christian = W-L (Exploder Suplex)


Team Guerrero Team Angle
Eddie Guerrero
The Big Show
Rob Van Dam
John Cena
Kurt Angle
Luther Reigns
Mark Jindrak
US Carlito Caribbean Cool

1. Carlito Caribbean Cool CO.
2. Rob Van Dam by Kurt Angle (Roll up)
3. Mark Jindrak by Eddie Guerrero (Roll up)
4. Luther Reigns by The Big Show (Showstopper)
5. Kurt Angle by The Big Show (After Guerrero Frog Splashed Angle)

The Survivors are Eddie Guerrero, The Big Show & John Cena.

The Undertaker – Heidenreich = W-L (Tombstone)

Lita – WWE Trish Stratus = D-D No Contest

Booker T - WWE John Bradshaw Layfield = L-W (JBL used the belt)


Team Orton Team HHH
Randy Orton
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
WORLD Triple
Gene Snitsky


  1. 1. Chris Benoit by Edge (After Triple H Pedigreed Benoit)
    2. Batista by Chris Jericho (Running Enziguri)
  2. 3. Gene Snitsky DQ.
  3. 4. Maven by Triple H (After Snitsky hit a steel chair on Maven)
  4. 5. Chris Jericho by Edge (Spear)
  5. 6. Edge by Randy Orton (RKO)
  6. 7. Triple H by Randy Orton (RKO)


The Survivor is Randy Orton.

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