23 November, 1989 in Rosemont Horizon, Chicago, Illinois. (15,294)
(Music: It's time to survive by James Johnston)

The Dream Team The Enforcers

"American Dream"Dusty Rhodes
Brutus"The Barber"Beefcake
Tito Santana
Red Rooster

The Big Boss Man
Bad News Brown
Rick"The Model"Martel
The Honky Tonk Man

1. Tito Santana by Rick Martel (Rollup)
CO. Bad News Brown
3. Honky Tonk Man by Brutus Beefacke by (High Knee)
4. Rick Martel by Brutus Beefcake (Rollup)
5. Red Rooster by The Big Boss Man (Bossman Slam)
6. The Big Boss Man by Dusty Rhodes (Flying Bodypress)
The Soul Survivors are Dusty Rhodes & Brutus Beefcake.

The 4x4's The Kings Court

Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Rugged Ronnie Garvin

"Macho King"Randy Savage
Greg"The Hammer"Valentine
Dino Bravo
The Earthquake

1. Hercules by Earthquake (Aftershock)
2. Greg Valentine by Jim Duggan (3 Point Stance Clothesline)
3. Ronnie Garvin by Dino Bravo (Side Slam)
4. Bret Hart by Randy Savage (Madness Elbow Smash)
CO. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
The Soul Survivor
s are Randy Savage, Dino Bravo & The Earthquake.

The Hulkamaniacs The Million Dollar Team

WWE Hulk Hogan
Jake"The Snake"Roberts
Ax - Demolition
Smash - Demolition

"Million Dollar Man"Ted DiBiase
Zeus"Human Wrecking Machine"
The Warlord - Powers of Pain
The Barbarian - Powers of Pain

DQ. Zeus
2. Ax by Warlord (Outside interference by Mr. Fuli)
3. Smash by Barbarian (2nd Rope Clothesline)
DQ. Warlord
DQ. Barbarian
6. Jake Roberts by Ted DiBiase (Outside interference by Virgil)
7. Ted DiBiase by Hulk Hogan (Legdrop of Doom)
The Soul Survivor is Hulk Hogan.

The Rowdy's Rowdies The Rudes Brood
Rowdy Roddy Piper
"Superfly"Jimmy Snuka
Butch - Bushwhackers
Luke - Bushwhackers

Ravishing Rick Rude
IC Mr. Perfect
Raymond Rougeau - Fabulous Rougeaus
Jacques Rougeau - Fabulous Rougeaus


1. Jacques Rougeau by Jimmy Snuka (Superfly Splash)
2. Raymond Rougeau by Roddy Piper (Piledriver)
3. Butch by Mr. Perfect (Rollup)
4. Luke by Rick Rude (Rude Awakening)
CO. Rowdy Roddy Piper
CO. Ravishing Rick Rude
6. Jimmy Snuka by Mr. Perfect (Perfect-Plex)
The Soul Survivor is Mr. Perfect.


The Ultimate Warriors The Heenan Family
The Ultimate Warrior
Jim"The Anvil"Neidhart
Shawn Michaels - Rockers
Marty Jannetty - Rockers

Bobby"The Brain"Heenan
André The Giant
WWE Arn Anderson - Brain Busters

CO. André The Giant
2. Jim Neidhart by Haku (Thrust Kick)
3. Marty Jannetty by Bobby Heenan
4. Haku by Shawn Michaels
5. Shawn Michaels by Arn Anderson (Anderson Drop)
6. Arn Anderson by The Ultimate Warrior (Ultimate Splash)
7. Bobby Heenan by The Ultimate Warrior (Gorilla Press Slam)
The Soul Survivor is The Ultimate Warrior.

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