27 November 1991 in Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan. (17,500)
(Music: It's time to survive by James Johnston)

Team Piper

Team Flair

Rody Roddy Piper
IC Bret"Hitman"Hart
The British Bulldog

"The Nature Boy"Ric Flair
The Mountie
"Million Dollar Man"Ted DiBiase
The Warlord

1. The British Bulldog by Ric Flair (Tope Rope Double Axhandle)
2. Warlord by Rowdy Roddy Piper (Rollup)
DQ. Ted DiBiase
DQ. Mountie
DQ. Bret Hart
DQ. Virgil
DQ. Rowdy Roddy Piper

The Soul Survivor
is "The Nature Boy"Ric Flair.

Team Duggan

Team Mustafa

Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Sgt. Slaughter
Texas Tornado
Tito Santana

Col. Mustafa
The Skinner
The Berzerker

1. Col. Mustafa by Sgt. Slaughter (Clothesline)
2. Hercules by Tito Santana (Flying Forearm)
3. The Skinner by Sgt. Slaughter (Clothesline)
4. The Berzerker by Hacksaw Jim Duggan by (Irish Whip/Clothesline)
The Soul Survivors are the entire team Duggan.  

WWE Hulk Hogan - The Undertaker = L-W (Tombstone on a chair) NEW WWE CHAMP.

Team Rockers/Bushwhackers

Team Nasty Boys/Berverly Brothers

Shawn Michaels - Rockers
Marty Jannetty - Rockers
Butch - Bushwhackers
Luke - Bushwhackers

Brian Knobbs - Nasty Boys
Jerry Saggs - Nasty Boys
Blake Beverly - Beverly Brothers
Beau Beverly - Beverly Brothers

1. Luke by Brian Knobbs (Flying Clothesline)
2. Butch by Beau Beverly (Shaker Heights Spike)
3. Beau Beverly by Shawn Michaels (Back Slide)
4. Shawn Michaels by Brian Knobbs (Roll-up)
5. Marty Jannetty by Jerry Saggs (Small Package)

The Soul Survivors are Blake Beverly & The Nasty Boys.

Team Boss Man

Team IRS

The Big Boss Man
Hawk - Legion of Doom
Animal - Legion of Doom

Irwin R. Schyster
Earthquake - Natural Disasters
Typhoon - Natural Disasters

"Macho Man" Randy Savage should had been in Big Boss Man's team and Jake Roberts in
Irwin's team, but Jake injured Randy, and both were out.

1. Big Boss Man by Irwin R. Schyster (IRS used his briefcase)
2. Typhoon by Hawk (Accidentally hit with IRS briefcase)
CO. Earthquake
4. Irwin R. Schyster by Animal (2nd Rope Clothesline)
The Soul Survivors are The Legion of Doom.

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