Real Name: Mark Cain Callaway.

Nicknames: American Bad Ass, The Lord of Darkness & The Phenom.

Previous profiles: Mean Mark Callous (WCW), “Punisher”Dice Morgan (NJPW), The Punisher (Indies),
Master of Pain (Indies) & Texas Red (Indies)
Date of Birth: 1962-03-24
Music: Dead man Walking, Your Gonna Pay, Dead Man, Rollin, American Bad Ass, Ministry & Dark Side

Birthplace: Houston, Texas.

Resides: Austin, Texas

Height: 2,05m.

Weight: 147kg.

Married: Sara Callaway (26 July 2000 with two children)

Title Holds: World Heavyweight champion

WWE champion 5 times

WWE Hardcore champion

WCW Tag-Team champion with Kane

WWE Tag-Team champion 6 times: 2x Kane, 1x Steve Austin, 2x Big Show & 1x The Rock

Finishing move: The Last Ride Power bomb*/Chokeslam*/Tombstone Piledriver*

Favorite quote: “Try me, I’ll make you famous!” & “Rest in peace…!”